Learn the necessary cyber fundamentals, thought structures, and technical tools to pro-actively participate in the security management of your organisation
Cybersecurity is fast becoming a requisite corporate professional competency. This intensive, 5-seminar Masterclass is designed as a cornerstone to equip busy business managers with the necessary technical tools, vocabulary and thought structures to pro-actively participate in cyber management for their organisations. This is the start to becoming cybersecurity champions, drivers and go-to persons for your team.
During this Masterclass, we aim to equip you with the necessary knowledge and frameworks, so you can apply this to your own role. At the end of the course you will:
Understand the fundamentals of cybersecurity
Reimagine your technical engagement
Manage technical conversations as a successful leader
Expand your personal and professional network
We do this by applying different mental models and by our revamped pedagogical approach. This involves technical exercises, walkthroughs and case studies. You will be taken through a deep dive into the world of cyber threats and the reality of our digital ecosystem.
Cybersecurity is fundamentally a practitioners’ art, which is just as much about technology as it is about risk and people management. For this reason, the masterclass is based on four foundations: technology, risk and mitigation, Infosecurity fundamentals, and people. In the scope of these four, you will go through, among other topics, the established frameworks (e.g. NIST, ISO, SANS), communications and network security, authentication methods as well as application, data and cloud security.
Intended audience includes middle and senior management looking to add cyber managerial skills. This is not for technical executives or senior security leaders. Decisions made by the security teams can have direct impact on business options, and business management must be informed in-control decision makers ensuring security decisions are not made without them. With increasing compliance-driven security mandates it is critical for leadership to know the language and the cybersecurity frameworks to make informed authoritative decisions.
Cybersecurity Masterclass
Program information
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Program Details
Price: 895€ + VAT
Date: On demand
Location: Online
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What people are saying
“…I have presented all over, conferences to boardrooms, off-sites to control-rooms, but I have never experienced the level of engagement of this group. Your people are off-the-charts in how engaged they are in learning cyber”
Big-4 Consultant, contributor Cybersecurity Masterclass, Paris
“… Thank you, the internal cybersecurity training I have received leaves me with such a sense of inadequacy, after hearing you I understand much better, but most importantly, understand how I can play a proactive role …”
Sr. Finance Executive, Helsinki
“…I have attended many presentations to from the major consultancies on this, I have attended endless conferences where this was discussed, but after tonight I really feel I grasp this at a deeper level”
Private Board Member, Women on Boards Organization, Brussels